The Applied Research Building: The New Home to Major Research

In April of 2023, University of Arizona marked the opening of the new Applied Research Building. This three-story tall, 89,000 sq. ft. collaborative space is meant to house testing areas and advanced research tools for several major Applied Science colleges including the College of Medicine, Lunar and Planetary Labs, and Colleges within the College of Engineering. It boasts features such as an anechoic testing lab to test antennae, a large dynamic testing lab for anything from plane wings to sensors, and high-bay areas for the construction of instruments such as high-altitude balloons.
Ground was first struck for the project in June of 2021, with the project taking just over two years to complete and costing roughly $85 million. This building is meant to house and facilitate loads of incredible research projects, carrying U of A further into its research and engineering future, and engaging several colleges in a collaborative space to create more thorough, more exciting, and more impactful research as a whole.
Read all about the Applied Research Building and its hopes for the future here and visit the building at the corner of Helen St. and Highland Ave. to see the amazing facilities!