This two day session was held starting May 16, 2022 at 9:30a.m. and May 17 at 8:30a.m.
For more information see the EDO Wildfire site.
Wildfire science is a global priority.
Changes in Earth's climate system have directly caused abnormal wildfire activity within the western United States. Resources to prevent, prepare for, and respond to this increase have become a national priority. Mitigating the effects of changes to Earth’s climate process is a global priority, due to its effects on weather patterns, the economy, global air quality, agriculture, and more. These effects are felt disproportionately by people of color and people of lower economic status, creating further societal divides.
More scientists studying the effects of wildfires are needed.
This scientific session aims to educate and energize University of Arizona (UA) student researchers by showcasing campus-wide research expertise on wildfire science. The agenda includes faculty talks that address how wildfires impact climate change, the environment, human health, and society. The agenda will highlight student research through a poster session. The intended outcomes include peer network building and an appreciation for the broader context of an individual’s student research project.